Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Well it was good for the most part. But, I was looking forward to getting a car. This has, unfortunately, been completely halted. Why, you may ask? Well, I was driving my uncle's golf cart around his property. Everything was fine, except the brakes didn't work when I wanted them to. When did I realize this? When I was going head on towards a tree. The only damage was a scratched up plexiglass windshield. But hey, I gotta call yesterday. Guess who's piece of shit old golf cart won't start up now? ANd hey, guess who has to replace the motor on in with their car money? Me. Pretty neat, right? yeah. So, $500 (most likely) down the drain so I can replace shit that hardly worked in the first place. Needless to say, I'm pretty annoyed. I probably won't be able to get a car until like February or maybe even summer or who knows when. It just. Ugh. It's horseshit. But oh well.


  1. i enjoyed your use of cusswords. makes it different. i thought it was funny

  2. Nice, What an interesting story! "Everything was fine, except the brakes didn't work when I wanted them to. When did I realize this? When I was going head on towards a tree" It's pretty funny, I can imagine that :)
