Thursday, December 13, 2012

Clackamas Mall Shooting

My reaction to the Clackamas Mall shooting... I'm not sure. I think it's weird when things like this are so close to home. Like, you hear about other places getting shot up; Columbine, The Dark Night Rises shooting, and it's like, when it so close to you, it almost seems unreal. I don't even know why he did it. Someone said he was in the jewelry store when he did it but.. maybe it was just the stress of the holidays? Maybe he was tired of being poor or something, and tried to rob them but failed and upon seeing even more failure, killed himself. I don't know. Maybe it's all just part of some elaborate divine plan, or maybe it's just Darwinism on steroids. Do I wish it didn't happen? Of course; two people died. Does it effect me directly? No, not even the slightest bit, other than a fear of mall shootings  ow. But the mall sucks ass and I never go anyway because I have no interest in the things they have to sell there. Honestly the only thing I've ever bought at a mall is like Panda Express from the food court.

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